Wednesday, June 6, 2007

C'mon, I mean Heavyweight's not that bad.

That little beauty up there is a picture of the street less than 500 feet away from the Sentinel's offices. Picture courtesy of Henry. I think I can see Heavyweight's foot prints.

On the subject of Henry, well, this is gonna be interesting. I mean, the man's nice he's just a bit....quirky. I keep catching him staring at my hair. I want to drug him and dump him in Ireland with a little minicam taped to his head. Oh, that would be glorious.

Now then, the Sentinel is going straight to hell. I mean, we've always had our share of supers, but it's getting out of hand. This week alone I've gotten letters about the eminent apocalypse, a panther that became a gorilla that became a bat that became a monkey and some crack pot who keeps pestering us with theories about the "fact" that there are nanobots in the water supply.

Also, I am officially protesting Blue Streak Grills. There was a freaking slug in my in my salad. I mean, hey I like some flavor, but ew.

As always, my quote of the day:
“It's not worth doing something unless you were doing something that someone, somewere, would much rather you weren't doing.”- Terry Pratchett.

PS-I have a big suprise for you all in a few days.


Henry Townshend said...

You... noticed the staring, huh?

Daniel Willis said...

Look, I sent you a Bible with all the important parts highlighted. What else do I have to do to get my letters printed?!